Hong Kong Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Urology Centre (HKPSPUC) was established in 2011 when our Medical Director first started her private practice in Central. It was her vision to be able to reach out to more children and their families in need of timely paediatric surgical services and to be able to provide a top-level of quality care, not only to the child but to the whole family.

「香港小兒外科及小兒泌尿外科中心 」(HKPSPUC)由我們的醫務總監於2011年成立,致力為有需要的兒童及家庭提供適時的小兒外科及小兒泌尿外科服務,並為他們提供專業的護理及診治。

Children are not just small adults

At a time when there were only a small number of specialists in paediatric surgery, and in particular, even fewer specialising in paediatric urology, we wanted to offer “Specialist” care to children who deserve to be receiving the level of expertise due to them.


Our pledge 服務承諾

It can be very daunting for families when children need to undergo treatment or surgery, however minor. We aim to help relieve the anxiety and stress of such an experience by providing an all-rounded service to the family. Our nurses are trained to take that extra step to help look after families from the moment you make an appointment until you no longer need follow-up. We make it our responsibility and priority to send reminders, check on the progress of treatment, and follow up on every step of a hospital admission/booking so that parents and children know what to expect when they need to be admitted into the hospital.
We aim to break the stigma that seeing a doctor can be a terrifying experience, that every surgeon will operate on whatever case they are presented with, that doctors can only afford a few minutes to see their patients and that doctors never explain what is happening. 


Expanding our vision and making it happen 願景

Since 2018, HKPSPUC has joined with Virtus Medical Group and established Virtus Paediatric Surgery. Sharing the same vision, we believe this step will allow us to reach out to more families, not just within HK island, but beyond.

2018 年,HKPSPUC 正式加盟尚至醫療集團 (Virtus Medical Group) 並成立「尚至小兒外科」醫療團隊。 我們的願景不僅限於為港島區居提供小兒外科專科服務,而是乃至全港家庭都可以受惠。



Here at HKPSPUC, we have paid special care and attention to making the clinic visit experience as pleasant as possible for our little ones.

From the decorations in the waiting area to the selection of books and toys made available to the children, we wish to create an atmosphere where the children will not be turned away upon just entering the “clinic”. It is to mimic the same kind of feeling as entering a playroom or even “home”.

Our doctors do not wear white coats and our nurses have colourful uniforms to eliminate the “white coat effect” on children 



Professional Team 專業團隊

Dr. SIHOE Dart Yin, Jennifer
Specialist in Paediatric Surgery
BM BS(Nottm), FRCSEd(Paed), FCSHK, FHKAM(Surgery)

香港醫學專科學院院士 (外科)

Services 服務範圍

Our Professional Team is able to provide full coverage of service to all general surgical conditions encountered in neonates, toddlers, children and teenagers. We will basically see all surgical conditions from newborns to those under 18 years of age. The list is not exhaustive and you are welcome to call our clinic to enquire about your specific condition.

我們針對初生嬰兒、幼兒、兒童和青少年的外科疾病提供全方位的診治服務,服務對象由0- 18歲。我們的服務並不限於以下所列的項目, 如欲了解更多詳情,歡迎致電診所查詢。

Our Professional Team is able to provide full coverage of service to all urological conditions in children, including complex urological reconstructive surgery from newborn until 18 years of age. The list is not exhaustive and you are welcome to call our clinic to enquire about your specific condition.

我們的專業團隊能就各種兒童泌尿系統疾病提供全方位的診治服務,當中包括從初生嬰兒到 18 歲青少年的複雜泌尿系統重建手術。如欲了解其他服務詳情,歡迎致電診所查詢。

We provide a unique and comprehensive continence care program for both day and night time urinary problems as well as bowel problems. The program involves non-invasive assessment, uroflowmetry, urodynamic studies, urotherapy, biofeedback and bowel management.
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We understand that many families find it much easier and more convenient to look after their children at home following surgery. Although private hospitals and clinic day surgery centres do not cater for children, we strive to provide day admission services to all our patients undergoing simple/minor procedures, which would usually be carried out as day surgery. 


Minimally invasive or Laparoscopic surgery has the advantage of smaller wounds allowing for better cosmesis, less post-operative pain and shorter hospital stay. This is particularly beneficial in young children.


Children may require endoscopic procedures such as oesophagogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) and colonoscopy for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Although similarly performed in adults, the things to look out for in children can be quite different. Our Professional Team can provide the full range of endoscopic services for children.

Accidents can happen at any time, whether at home, at school or whilst out and about. Our Professional Team can provide emergency service and coverage at all hours and during holidays, even for minor injuries or acute ailments such as abdominal pain. You can contact our Team via our emergency contact through our Business WhatsApp out of hours for non-registered patients or directly with our doctors for existing patients. 

無論何時何地,意外都有機會發生。我們的專業團隊提供24小時緊急服務,即使只是輕傷或腹痛等急性疾病,我們亦會迅速支援。已註冊患者可以通過我們通知緊急聯繫人,並與我們的醫生直接聯繫;而非註冊患者則可透過Whatsapp 與我們聯繫。

Our clinic has always provided telemedicine consultations and home visits for wound care and assessments for existing patients in the past. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, we have expanded and extended this service to all new and existing patients. We are also able to provide delivery service of certain medicines. Please contact our clinic for further details on whether your child’s condition is suitable for telemedicine or home visits.

過去診所一直有為現有患者提供視象診症和家居到診服務,以進行傷口護理及健康評估。隨著全球疫症新冠肺炎日益加劇,我們已經進一步擴展這項服務,現在無論是新舊患者均可應用得到,而且部分藥物還設有送藥到戶服務。 想了解您孩子的病情是否適合視象診症或家居到診,歡迎與我們聯繫。

New parents-to-be may sometimes be overwhelmed with lots of new and unfamiliar information and ideas about this up-and-coming new stage of their lives, and about the little angel they are about to meet. Whether it be just a simple discussion on the pros and cons of newborn circumcision or an in-depth discussion on what to expect and subsequent management of certain antenatally detected problems such as antenatal hydronephrosis, our Professional Team are always ready to talk you through what you need to know and be there for you when the little one is ready to meet with us.


Paediatric Conditions 兒童外科及泌尿外科疾病

Paediatric Surgery Conditions

• Tongue Tie
• Abdominal Wall Hernia / Inguinal Hernia
  疝氣(俗稱“小腸氣” ) - 腹股溝疝 / 肚臍疝氣
• Pyloric Stenosis
• Skin / Subcutaneous Lesion
• Hydrocele
  鞘膜積液 (俗稱 ”陰囊積水” )
• Appendicitis
• Intussusception
• Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
  胃食道倒流 (胃酸倒流)
• Foreign Body Ingestion
• Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
• Choledochal Cyst/ Biliary Atresia
• Fistula-In-Ano 
• Hirschsprung's disease  
• Imperforate Hymen
• Fused Labia
• Anorectal Malformation 
• Malignant Tumors & Benign Tumors
• Emergency Care of Pediatric Injuries/Stitching /Burns

Paediatric Urology Conditions

• Balanitis
• Buried Penis
• Hypospadias
• Pelviureteric Junction Obstruction
• Undescended Testis
• Testicular Torsion
• Penile Chordee
• Varicocele
• Vesicoureteral Reflux
• Multiystic / Duplex Kidney
• Ureterocoele
• Cystoscopic Procedures
• Complex Urological Reconstruction Surgery
• Urinary Incontinence (day / night)

Understanding More 了解更多

A: Yes. Any child who is still wetting his/her bed after the age of 5 years should seek medical advice. It is best to treat early as research has shown that children with bedwetting may have an adverse reaction on their self-image, have more depressive symptoms, may have disturbed sleep and can affect their cognitive ability.

Dr. Jennifer DY Sihoe 

A: This will depend on the severity or frequency of bedwetting at the time of consultation. The mainstay of treatment is medical treatment but may also involve behavioural therapy, urotherapy with biofeedback / electrical nerve stimulation, use of an enuretic alarm and occasionlly minor surgical procedures. The period of treatment is case-dependent but at the end of treatment, the child is expected to be off all medication. For treatment details, it is best to discuss with your doctor.

Dr. Jennifer DY Sihoe

A: Although some bedwetters do get better themselves as they get older, this tends to occur mainly in those with infrequent wetting of less than 1-2 nights per week. Research has shown that around 2.1% of adults have problems of persistent bedwetting from childhood if left untreated and those children with frequent wetting of 3 or more nights per week are more likely to have persistent problems of wetting into adulthood.

Dr. Jennifer DY Sihoe

Contact Us 聯絡我們 


Suite 812, Central Building, 1-3 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong


Tel:  +852 2869 6912
Fax: +852 2869 6916

Whatsapp: +852 2869 6912
WeChat:     +852 6083 3336

Monday - Friday         09:00 - 19:00
Saturday                      09:00 - 13:00
Sunday & Public Holidays  Closed

星期一至星期五            09:00 - 19:00
星期六                           09:00 - 13:00
星期日及公眾假期                        休息


11/F, H Zentre, 15 Middle Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

尖沙咀中間道15號H Zentre 11樓

Booking Hotline: +852 2869 6912

Monday - Friday          09:30 - 18:30
Sat, Sun & Public Holidays     Closed

星期一至星期五             09:30 - 18:30           
星期六, 日及公眾假期                    休息

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